Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy easter!

Okay, take the knitting needles away from me and slap my hands.

I am sorry to all my (not so) avid readers/followers/worshipers. I know I haven't been Blogging much lately. I have been really busy with school; I promise this time I am not kidding.

I forgot what taking science classes were like. There is a lot of reading and studying--what a snoozefest.

I finally finished my sister's poncho. As soon as I get pics and figure out how to post pics I will show you them. I have been slowly but steadily working on them d*** socks. I traded in my black yarn for green. So much easier to see.

For those who don't know, my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer. He started chemo this week and we are wishing for the best. Hopefully they will be coming home soon. That will make it easier for everyone.

As for the dating scene, (first I think you need to ask yourself, is there in fact a dating scene in Antigo?), Very slow. There is one guy, who I think if I am reading his very mixed signals right, might like me, but is moving slower than molasses. But we are victims of life's circumstances and they sometime interfere with cupid's plans. What ever it is, could it work itself out STAT?!