Thursday, September 4, 2008

Can't believe it is fall?

So I realize I haven't spent much time on line nor have I blogged in awhile. Slap my hands and take away my........(fill-in the blank.)

So life is pretty busy. I have been taking classes--summer and now fall----and working overtime hours at work. It sucks, and I have no life, but what else is there to do?

I haven't really knit that much lately, and it really bothers me. I have to do a couple of baby hats for a friend and finish some other things up that have pending deadlines. I think I have been burning the candle at both ends. Maybe I should just slow down..........right?

There is no one in my "love" life, however, that is a choice. Options are not lacking.....not to be snotty. When would I fit someone else in?

I took merlin to the vet on Tuesday. That didn't go well. I had to bribe him with new cat toys---fuzzy mice----to get him to forgive me. Cats!

Catch ya later.
