Thursday, September 4, 2008

Can't believe it is fall?

So I realize I haven't spent much time on line nor have I blogged in awhile. Slap my hands and take away my........(fill-in the blank.)

So life is pretty busy. I have been taking classes--summer and now fall----and working overtime hours at work. It sucks, and I have no life, but what else is there to do?

I haven't really knit that much lately, and it really bothers me. I have to do a couple of baby hats for a friend and finish some other things up that have pending deadlines. I think I have been burning the candle at both ends. Maybe I should just slow down..........right?

There is no one in my "love" life, however, that is a choice. Options are not lacking.....not to be snotty. When would I fit someone else in?

I took merlin to the vet on Tuesday. That didn't go well. I had to bribe him with new cat toys---fuzzy mice----to get him to forgive me. Cats!

Catch ya later.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Spring is in the air!!!!

I am totally loving the weather we are having here in the northwoods. It is sooo sunny and warm. Keep it coming Mother Nature.

The grandparents are home and settled in. Grandpa started his next round of chemo therapy. We went to the oncologist last Thursday and found out that he will have to have treatments for the rest of his life. There is no cure for multiple myeloma. Cancer sucks!

I start my new job at Menard's tomorrow. I am really excited about it. I will be working in the Kitchen/Cabinet area doing some design work. I thought it would be a good idea to use one of my degrees!

The knitting is a little slow right now. I finished another afghan square. Only 40 left! As for the socks, Darn those needles are small. Oh well. I will keep trucking along. I hope everyone is enjoying the lovely weather!


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Spring is here, Maybe!

Well...that is a deep subject. It was beautiful here last week and then this week it snowed! Of course.

My grandparents are back from Florida. They have already worn me out and it has only been a little less than a day. I spent yesterday helping them unpack--and remembering patience..apparently it is a virtue. Uhm.

The socks are really coming along. I have turned the heels on both! Yippeeee! To bad my hands hurt from raking gravel for two hours today!

Sorry this is short. I have too much do, and not enough time.

Schustie out!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What?!? Snow Again?

Mother Nature's persistance at continuing to produce crappy weather is really beginning to get on my last nerve. This is ridiculous; it is almost the middle of April for crying out loud! (Sidebar: Why do we say crying out loud? What is the history behind that?

Anyhow, I am busy planning our annual soup contest. This is a fun tradition in my hometown. I am sooo excited! I am coming up with the prizes as we speak! This contest started as a chili contest in my parents basement when I was in college. You know how these things start.....Someone is bragging about how their recipe is best and etc.....We have moved on from chili to soup......with I think the last contest having about 25-30 entries! Yummy and oh so fun!

The Green socks are coming along nicely. I have 6 inches on each leg--which is just under halfway for the leg itself. I am finally having fun with these d*** things.

I am 10% done with my afghan. It is going to be soooooo pretty. I might need to make one for me next.

Well I better get to class. I am going to have to struggle to stay awake tonight.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I ain't no Fool!

Happy April Fools Day!

And to my Uncle Jeff--Happy Birthday!

So, going back to classes was really hard. Spring break was no break for me. I spent the week SPRING cleaning the basement and upstairs. I am thinking of becoming a professional carpet cleaner person. What do you think?

I am breaking up with winter. I am talking about the season, not a guy. Just a heads up. I am done, I am throught with him. He needs new material. I need a new relationship and Spring is looking like a winner to me! All fresh and colorful. Yummy!

I am currently sitting in my tuesday evening class, totally boring.......*Yawn*.

My SFS socks are knitting up very quick! I love the new green color, so much easier than the black yarn. The afghan will be very pretty and is knitting up quick too. Just looking for a easy dress pattern for a 18-24 mth old. Any ideas?

Take care and happy knitting.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy easter!

Okay, take the knitting needles away from me and slap my hands.

I am sorry to all my (not so) avid readers/followers/worshipers. I know I haven't been Blogging much lately. I have been really busy with school; I promise this time I am not kidding.

I forgot what taking science classes were like. There is a lot of reading and studying--what a snoozefest.

I finally finished my sister's poncho. As soon as I get pics and figure out how to post pics I will show you them. I have been slowly but steadily working on them d*** socks. I traded in my black yarn for green. So much easier to see.

For those who don't know, my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer. He started chemo this week and we are wishing for the best. Hopefully they will be coming home soon. That will make it easier for everyone.

As for the dating scene, (first I think you need to ask yourself, is there in fact a dating scene in Antigo?), Very slow. There is one guy, who I think if I am reading his very mixed signals right, might like me, but is moving slower than molasses. But we are victims of life's circumstances and they sometime interfere with cupid's plans. What ever it is, could it work itself out STAT?!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Bad Blogger

So I admit, I have been a horrible blogger. I am sorry.
I have been pretty busy, just kidding, it was winter break from school.

I actually did a Gilmore Girls marathon over the break.
I watched all 7 seasons in only a couple of weeks.
Do I need a life? Maybe.
Did I enjoy it? Totally.

The Gilmore Girls Rock! I dig it, do you Dig it????

SO for Knitting. Not too much going on. I am working on the poncho.
I need to finish it before I do anything else. All other projects are on hold until then.

THe love life is picking up. I meet some one online. Before all moms and friends freak out:
I promise to meet him in only public places. Geessh!

Other than that, the snow has really fallen, now we are in our January freeze.

Take care and stay warm.