Sunday, January 27, 2013

Winter Wonderland......

Okay, so much for trying to do this more last year.  Maybe this year will be better?

As usual, winter in Wisconsin is consistently inconsistent.   In the last two weeks or so, we have gone from unusually mild temperatures and rain to negative temperatures and wind chill advisories; and today, we had lovely mild temperatures this morning (and I was able to try my new snow shoes out for the second time) to a constant light snow this afternoon.  YUCK!  The only good thing about that snowfall, is more powder to trudge through on my snowshoes.

Okay, enough about that...can't change it much right? 

So now I sit all cozy in the den with the fireplace going, music playing softly in the background and Merlin snuggled on my lap.  My favorite time of day!

Let's see...what has been on my sticks?  I made a series of headbands (Fiana--you can find on Ravelry).  I modified the pattern a little bit by taking off the crochet tie and incorporated a hair band for stretch.  I made a bunch of these for one of my friend's daughter.  She loved them.  They were in all sorts of colors, basic black to hot pink!  They were fun and easy to make.  I still have a couple to make for another friend.

I know every knitter has seen the ruffle scarves around.  I learned to make them but under duress.  I don't love them, but can appreciate the fact that they are easy and quick to make for a gift.  I only made the ones I have because a friend of my mom slipped me some cash--enough to cover the cost of the yarn and some gas for the car.

I have started my sister's sweater (Cable Swing Cardi).  No pictures at this time, but I have one of the front panels done and am working on the back right now.  It really is pretty.  I can't wait to see it complete.

Mom's blanket is still in progress.  I know, I know...It needs to get done.  I told myself this year, I was going to only really work on the sweater and the afghan, but you know how it goes.  Everyone starts to have babies (since last July, 6 friends have gotten pregnant or had their babies. there is a set of twins and single baby left and hopefully that is all for now, I hope, gulp.)

Besides knitting, I started to get more involved with my church.  I am now a cathecist, teaching/guiding a group of 10th graders, and will also be starting to work with the little ones on their sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.  It has been actually a lot of fun.  I think I am learning just as much as they are, if not more.  I don't want to get all bible thumping happy, but I find I have a lot more peace in myself since I started that journey. 

Life has its challenges, thankfully we have GOD....and of course, yarn....