Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday is for wimps!

I find no joy in waking up and going shopping before daylight. HECK, I don't even like getting up early and I really don't like shopping all that much. So I did not get up early today to shop, I did however get up early to work. Bah!

Thanksgiving was relatively uneventful. It was just Mom, Dad, and Ashley, oh and me. Mom wanted to put up the Christmas tree so she could enjoy it for the holiday season. We cooked the traditional meal and it was delish. We were really naughty and put marshmallows on the sweet potatoes.......yumm-o!

As for the grandparents.....They made it to Florida safe and sound. The house is really quiet without them. It really makes a lot of noise, too.



1. Baby hat is almost finished. I know it is really not too hard to do, but it is not the main priority. I just need to attach the petals and it will be done.

2. Dishcloths-2 of 7 complete, 3 in progress. I am hoping mom will take the two bathmitts I made too. That would be great. I would love to make some homemade soaps to go with them.

3. Sock- I am almost done with the first cuff. I know, I know, the war will be over before I finish these socks. I just knit really slow with these tiny needles. I think as soon as the cuff is done, it will go faster.

4. Ashley's poncho--1 of 4 segments almost complete. It is really pretty and cool. Very Hippy child.

Well, that is all really for right now. Not much is happening in my life. How boring.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


So as some of you know, I have started my first pair of socks. I never thought I would knit on needles that were so small. After several restarts-yes, I mean restarts-and a fudge popsicle, I am well on my way. Well, I have an inch done. I know that doesn't seem like much, but the ribbing is showing and is looking so nice. It is such a major form of satisfaction to see progress!
There is only one other activity that I can compare it too!


Merlin is in his winter mode---sleeping all day, curled up in a ball in HIS recliner--grandma was kicked out. He has been getting into trouble and under feet--yesterday grandpa stepped on him 2 times. Merlin is never going to learn. Silly cat! He has been extra cuddly too-snuggling on laps-probably to keep warm.


WIP(works in progress)-

1. upside-down baby hat: almost down. I am just finishing up the petals and then will sewn them on to the hat---It is sooooo adorable. I just need to find a little girl to give it to.

2. Dishclothes- almost done with my first KAL (knit-along)--I think the picture is a squirrel. I am starting a selection of cloths for my mother. I guess she wants to give them out for presents.

3. SFS socks-one inch.

I am hoping to go to a knit-n-sip in Appleton on Sunday---weather permitting of course. For those of you who hate snow---It is officially here. Yesterday was the first snowfall. Luckily it didn't stick. PHEW!

Well, I am off--but not like a prom dress--burrr, its too cold for that.

Peace out!