Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sarah's sense of snow

This morning when I woke up, the world was a cleaner shade of white. Yes, that is correct. It snowed. I know that after 30 years of living in Wisconsin, I should be used to this wonderful thing we call winter. But honestly, it doesn't get any better and I don't like anymore. However, one thing that always amazes me is the delicate and complicated appearance of a snowflake.

Snowflakes are an amazing creation. Each one completely different from the next and a complex design. How can they be so delicate and......perfect? I have to say, for all of my pessimism, I love it when I look out the window and I feel like I am in a snow globe. I am sure you understand...........

Anyway, what has been going on?

1. I have all but 14 blocks for the afghan with the ends sown in. That was a big accomplishment. I brought them with me to the lake, hopefully, I can finish that up this weekend (inbetween sewing that has been requested by me of my mother.)

2. I was at the point on the fancy foot anklet to start the heel. And low and behold, I don't have the 34 stitches I needed for the instep. How can you start with 30 stitches, do your necessary increases on the left and right sides to get 34 stitches but end up with only 25 stitches? Needless to say, I had to rip it, rip it.......I hate frogs.

3. Peaches and cream blanket.......I am about 2 inches into the decrease part of the pattern and it is going quite smoothly. (I hope I didn't speak to soon....)

Anyway, other than my boyfriend thinking that it would be funny to say he purchased enough green and yellow yarn to knit him a Packer blanket, not too much has been going on. Just sitting here knitting. Or in this case, blogging.

Take time to enjoy your snowglobe

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hello old friend

So, I am so sorry about not blogging in a while. Busy busy busy. Between work and school, there was not much time for anything.

So let's get caught up.

1. Still working on the giant afghan, I would suggest looking on Ravelry to see the progress. I have all 49 squares knit and blocked. I am in the "weaving in the ends" stage. Next up, piecing it all together. I can't wait to have this finished. The pattern is Big and Cozy by Debbie Abrahms. (see ravelry again)

2. I have been seeing some one on a serious level. We met last September at a rockin' Oktoberfest. (who doesn't like a good beer? or in my case, a good cider.)

3. I went to London in January of 2010 with my little sister, Ashley. It was an awesome experience to have with her. And we didn't even fight all that much only towards the end of the trip, which is inevitable, right? I am going through London withdrawal......I am working through the shakes as we speak.

4. I graduated from school and started a new job. I am a Patient Accounts Specialist with a local hospital. Goodbye, Menards and in the words of Fall Out Boy, "Thnks fr the mries...." or something like that.

That is the big stuff. So here I am now.

Currently on the needles:

1. Peaches n Cream blanket for Ari. Will never use Bernat soft stripes yarn, poor quality, again. I have started the decreases.

2. Fancy Foot Anklet #1 (Monday). Knitpicks kit I ordered, color is Granny Smith and in Stroll. 1" left until I start the heel. I am pretty excited.

Pending projects.....

1. Big Bad Baby Blanket (B4).....This will probably be for my Dear Friend Suzie, who is preggers again! Whoo Whoo. That's all I can say.

2. Fancy Foot Anklet #2 (Tuesday)

Well, take care and I look forward to updating again.