Tuesday, October 30, 2007

First Blog

Well here goes nothing...

I thought I would chronical my adventures in life, knitting, and living in Northern Wisc again.

In June of 2007, I moved back home from the Milwaukee area. I am slowly adapting to this life again, since I really haven't lived here for 10 years. I learned to knit while in Milwaukee from my wonderful friend Tracy B. She is crazy and a lot of fun--if you get the chance to meet her and knit--enjoy!

I forgot how there is nothing to really do in this area. It can be so boring. I have been taking some classes but they don't fill the nights........

So I picked up knitting again. I am working on an upside down daisy baby hat, an afghan, and starting sock for soldiers (SFS). You can check out the the group on yahoo! groups.


Tracy said...

Good Job! Thanks for the shout out! My blog is www.knitdrink.blogspot.com Check it out!

Sarah said...

You bet sweetheart! You are great!

Eileen said...

Hi Sarah!

I'm Eileen from the NEW knitting group.

I've lived here in NEW my whole life and I love it! I don't find it boring at all.

Hope to meet you in person sometime!

Anonymous said...

I miss you, how is life going in Antigo?
Tried calling you a few weeks ago.

N. Maria said...

Wow! You are in the best state because Meg Swansen is there!
Thank you for blogging!