Tuesday, November 6, 2007


So as some of you know, I have started my first pair of socks. I never thought I would knit on needles that were so small. After several restarts-yes, I mean restarts-and a fudge popsicle, I am well on my way. Well, I have an inch done. I know that doesn't seem like much, but the ribbing is showing and is looking so nice. It is such a major form of satisfaction to see progress!
There is only one other activity that I can compare it too!


Merlin is in his winter mode---sleeping all day, curled up in a ball in HIS recliner--grandma was kicked out. He has been getting into trouble and under feet--yesterday grandpa stepped on him 2 times. Merlin is never going to learn. Silly cat! He has been extra cuddly too-snuggling on laps-probably to keep warm.


WIP(works in progress)-

1. upside-down baby hat: almost down. I am just finishing up the petals and then will sewn them on to the hat---It is sooooo adorable. I just need to find a little girl to give it to.

2. Dishclothes- almost done with my first KAL (knit-along)--I think the picture is a squirrel. I am starting a selection of cloths for my mother. I guess she wants to give them out for presents.

3. SFS socks-one inch.

I am hoping to go to a knit-n-sip in Appleton on Sunday---weather permitting of course. For those of you who hate snow---It is officially here. Yesterday was the first snowfall. Luckily it didn't stick. PHEW!

Well, I am off--but not like a prom dress--burrr, its too cold for that.

Peace out!

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